
Welcome to my site! It isn't much, but it's probably worth a visit. ^w^

BTW, this webpage is best-viewed with Internet Explorer 6 on a 1024x768 resolution (https may not work though)

My files archive

This is a file archive section where I keep some things that may or may not be useful for some people. In there you can pretty much find some archived programs for older Windows versions or even some self-made wallpapers. Feel free to take a look!


My social media

TikTok YouTube GitHub Mastodon


Abbreviated from "Not So Frequently Asked Questions".

Q: What does your username mean?
A: "random" is just random, "tek" is an abbreviation of "tech".

Q: What is the purpose of this site?
A: Just to exist, probably.

I don't even know what more to add here since I'm not getting asked questions that often.